Waaaaaaaay back in December, I signed up for Domesticali's Seven Days of Specialness Swap. An advent calendar style selection of seven little gifts designed to make the recipient feel special. My swapee, Saffron was a tricky one to swap with, as she is so much more talented at her knitting and crochet than I could ever hope to be, I must admit I felt a little daunted at sending her something I had made. But bravely I did, I will not mention it, as I do not think she has opened all of her surprises just yet. I can't tell you how much I love this little tea cosy. So much! it is so very perfect, why aren't all tea cosies designed like this.
Would you look at these little owl pegs, Perfect for hanging the Babies artwork up. And Saffron actually made these, for me.
I have to keep fishing this cute little tissue holder out of Ivy's satchel. That girl loves a tissue and assumes all tissueness to be hers. No. I am the Special One!
My other surprises were the sweeties, in the teapot picture, some dinky little lego salt and pepper pots which Oscar was very impressed with, I think I am going to keep those for camping trips. I also unwrapped some darling little teacup stickers, and the sprinkles from yesterdays post. I felt a little sad when the seven days were up and I had no gift to wake up to.
I am a very lucky girl. Thank you Saffron, I feel very Special x x
ps and of course thank you Ali for going to so much trouble to arrange the swap, you too are very special x
Really lovely little gifts.
What a brilliant way to cheer up the gloomy grey days we have been having.
Lisa x
Posted by: Lisa | February 16, 2010 at 08:44 PM
The pegs are great, and I loved the cakes you made for the sprinkles!!
Posted by: Rattling On | February 16, 2010 at 11:38 PM
Gorgeous little gifts - I love the owls. I had a little look at Saffron's blog - she's an amazing knitter. I'm very jealous! x
Posted by: PinkCat | February 17, 2010 at 10:00 AM
Aww I'm so glad you liked the little things. And the tea cosy fits! Thank you for making my first ever swap so much fun.
I opened my 4th present yesterday and found lovely sherbet-coloured sock yarn so I'll be casting on for my new socks very very soon.
I'm so glad to have been your swappee and look forward to following your blog :)
Posted by: Account Deleted | February 17, 2010 at 11:19 AM
wow! you did well. The owls are sooo cute. A x
Posted by: little pink room | February 17, 2010 at 12:56 PM
I love the owl pegs. So cute. What a lovely swap.
Posted by: Woollywotnots | February 18, 2010 at 10:41 AM