I have had a weekend of Granny love! To say that "Grannying" has taken over a large proportion of my life would be something of an understatement. I Granny all the time, watching TV, listening to the babies read, watching them while they are in the bath, waiting for the kettle to boil....yes really!
I have blogged before about Oscar and I and our sweet Saturday mornings, the last few have included counting Grannies and arranging them into possible blankets. Ivy joined in this week, having been rudely awoken at 8 am (on a Saturday?). Want a peek at what we came up with this week??
Ta Da aa!
It will be completely different next Saturday, you understand?!
Now it has been dismantled and re stackedwaiting for our next play with them. Who needs Lego! I have insisted that everyone select their favourite Granny, Stu was reluctant but finally conceded on Friday night - that green black and red one on the left is his. I feel like my blanket is going to need some sort of title, I think it should have some sort of Jack Bauer theme, as I have watched nearly three series of 24 whilst hooking away. Mm mm hooking and torture what more could you ask for?!
Ivy also got a bit involved in a bit Blog Photography on Saturday, displaying her newest button on a Granny. This button got lost at the woods yesterday and Ivy had her Daddy go all the way back and find it, apparently it was playing with some leaves! Is there anything he wouldn't do for that girl? I would have probably bought another button - I was tucked up in bed post night duty.
There are little piles of Granny love all around the house, not to mention little ends which have been snipped. Stu does his bits when I balance my tea like this! Ha! he is at work and will never know!
Oooh, I really need to share this before I wind up for today..
How cute! She has been there for two hours now, this is what happens when you leave your knitting (crochet) bag on her favourite chair.
Ooh Just one more thing, I am seriously considering entering this swap, but I am not sure if I am good enough at either knitting or crochet to contemplate give something as a gift. Oh sod it, just put my name down!
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